tools and techniques for improvement
Beneath the tip of the iceberg of VFM and Business Improvement, there is whole world of tools and techniques which many organisations have never heard of, let alone used. This means that you could be limiting the capability of your staff and suppressing your potential results.
In all areas of your business you need engaged staff with the right skills to get the results you and your customers demand.
At Parkes Business Services our experience is that organisations don’t always recognise that ‘business improvement’ also requires skills. All too often we see the same limited tools being used to improve performance and services.
Our one-day workshop is designed to introduce these powerful techniques to your staff and give them the opportunity to practice using them. We have hand-picked the 12 most powerful methods taken from the highest performing companies around the world to help transform your improvement capabilities.
As a result of this workshop what can you expect?
- Business problems to be solved more swiftly and sustainably.
- Your teams to be more effective in identifying areas for improvement and implementing them.
- Change to happen more quickly.
- Your staff to be authentically engaged in improvement - more motivated.
- A more efficient and tidier workplace.
- An action plan for implementation in your workplace.
This can lead to:
- Reduced costs, increased income, supercharged engaged staff and all at the same time!
Cost £795 per day for up to 10 delegates plus VAT and Expenses